Healthy Aging Month Chips Away at Stereotypes
September has been designated as Healthy Aging Month. In the 32 years since that designation, organizers say negative stereotypes about getting older are diminishing.
“Of course, there are still stereotypes about older adults,” said Carolyn Worthington, president of Healthy Aging, the multimedia platform promoting the month. “Perhaps the baby boomers embracing aging like no other generation started turning the tide. It is not unusual to see people in their 80s and 90s doing spectacular things today.”
I regularly feature news and information about older adults and fitness. Some of them perform amazing athletic feats. More are just devoted to living healthier, happier lives for as long as possible, and they know that regular exercise is a key part of that.
What else can you do to support healthy aging? Organizers suggest:
Moving more and sitting less
Aiming for 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity activity and two sessions of strength training each week
Cutting back on salt, which is linked to high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack
Maintaining an active social life
Pursuing something you love
Owning a pet
Manage stress with these tips from Mental Health America
If you’ve been waiting for a sign that you need to step up your healthy habits, here it is! Come see me today, and let’s get you moving – the key to healthy aging in every month.